"By God, there is no one that should do Superman but Bryan Singer." —Richard Donner
Director Bryan Singer notes:
"I've seen probably every single episode of the George Reeves series and I really love the first movie. That first Superman is quite classic to me and I am a huge fan.
"One of the fantastic things about it is that Donner put together an incredible cast.
It's my great pleasure to bring this new chapter of the Superman legacy to the screen with our own
incredible cast.
"Rather than being a remake of the original movie though, this new film explores Superman's influence on our global culture and the impact of his return to Earth after an absence of between four and five years, where he's been away doing some soul searching.
"Superman is an alien coming from another world, and the suit he wears is a remnant of that world. So not only can you get away with the traditional costume, it's what should be. It's a costume that should be updated to some degree, but at the same time no more exaggerated than what George Reeves or Christopher Reeve wore. It won't be dated. It'll be contemporary but classic in its design."

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Superman Returns stars Brandon Routh as Clark Kent/Superman; Kate Bosworth
as Lois Lane; and Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor.
Eva Marie Saint plays Ma Kent and James Karen plays Ben Hubbard.
Marlon Brando,
through the use of previously unseen footage
from 1978, will portray Jor-El.
Jack Larson (Adventures of Superman, Adventures of Superboy, Lois & Clark, American Express Superman commercials) and
Noel Neill (Superman Movie Serials, Adventures of Superman, Superman the Movie, Adventures of Superboy) will also have roles in the film.
Be ready for Superman Returns! Don't miss these two preceeding movies!