Superman Through the Ages!Holliston School Committee  
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Created by Harbinger, 2003
"I decided to try my hand at a possible redesign. I used Wizard/Draxhall's Ultimate Superman as a template and made a few changes.
  • kept the collar
  • used the current S shield emblem
  • removed the rib things from the Ult. Supes design
  • added a belt
  • colored the leggings/bottom half of costume a darker shade of blue than the top and removed the red underwear
"Keep in mind that this is more of a rough draft design than a finished one. I posted this on my web site to inspire potential changes for the costume and maybe an artist and/or inker could pick up on some of the ideas posted above for a redesign or the costume. I feel a more professional look would suit Superman these days, and this is my attempt to portray that ideal. Comments and criticism are welcome"

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