Superman Through the Ages!Holliston School Committee  
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Superman's Return to Krypton!

This story, written by Jerry Siegel himself, is considered by connoisseurs to be one of the great all-time classics of Superman tales - indeed, one of the most memorable of all comic book stories.

Over the years, the Man of Steel has had many romances aside from that with Lois Lane.  But only two have truly touched the hearts of the readers in a very special way; his hopeless passion for Lori Lemaris, the mermaid from Atlantis; and his love for Lyla Lerrol, the Kryptonian actress featured in this tale.

"Superman's Return" also marked the debut of many things that were to become features of the Krypton legend: the Fire-Falls, the Jewel Mountains, and others.

All in all, this has to be one of Superman's - and Siegel's - greatest.  We must not forget artist Wayne Boring, either, who had depicted the Man of Steel since the early 1940s.

- E. Nelson Bridwell

This story is available in the Superman in the 1960s trade paperback.
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Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
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